For every mailing account, it stores the mail in the Notes Storage Format (NSF) in its database, where to exist a couple of NSF file named as usernames.nsf file (all the contents of data ) and names.nsf file (Address Book). This software is formally works collaboratively to reading and compose the email, calendars, contacts management, to-do lists etc. Lotus Notes, a client-server cross-platform environment that provides a user-friendly interface which works as a popular email client. But before going directly on the technique of importing Lotus Notes NSF To Apple Mail, Let us understand why we need to import Lotus Notes to Apple Mail and what are the challenges we face during the conversion.
In this blog, We will discuss how to Convert Lotus Notes to Apple. People opt for one according to their preference and needs. As all the email clients have their own Pros and Cons. So its not a big deal for the users to switch from one email client to another email client. Nowadays there are numbers of email client available for our ease. Import Lotus Notes to Apple Mail in an Effortless Manner